Catch Your Breath
Are you breathing?
I catch myself holding my breath all throughout the day. You can try to pay attention too! Even in the moments I started typing this note, I caught myself 5 times, NOT breathing. Seriously. Holding my breath.
Our breath is our lifeline and we very rarely tend to it. Opps there I go again - typing and holding my breath. It is crazy how unaware we are.
Mindfulness is the practice of learning to pay attention. There are so many ways to learn to tune in and pay attention. When we are practicing mindfulness meditation we use our breath as an anchor to rest our attention on.
Let’s play with catching our breath for just 5 minutes today.
- Today choose a 5 minute period of time to tune in and set your phone timer.
- Go about your business doing whatever it is you need to do.
- Notice how many times you catch yourself holding your breath in the 10 minutes. When you catch yourself, simply notice, then expand your breath and go on with your activity.
That’s it. It’s that simple. Incorporating a mindfulness practice does not have to be a big deal. You can find simple ways to bring your attention to this moment all throughout your day.
Join me for 10 minutes a day beginning May 7th for 21 days to more mindful moments.

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